
Wednesday Night Bible Study

Reading and discussing the Gospel of Mark. This book tends to be overlooked when compared to Matthew, Luke, and John, but there is much more than meets the eye. 6:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. All are welcome!

Presbyterian Youth Connection Council (PYCC)

PYCC is looking for some awesome youth and adults to join for next year. Applications are due by July 1, adults will have to have a background check on file with the church, and all applications will have to be approved by the Session. PYCC is for high school youth and adults ages 23 and up. Talk to Peter Luke or Camille Luke about what it takes to join get you application!

The Power of Prayer

The Prayer Team meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month at 6:00pm. All are welcome! Yellow prayer request cards are available in the pews and can be placed in the offering plate during worship. Contact Lee Ann Carroll or Cathy Phillips for special prayer requests or for more information.

Ladies Wednesday Bible Study

Every Wednesday at 9:30am.

Men’s Early Bird Breakfast

Men’s breakfast meets the 2nd Thursday of each month. Rise and shine for 6:00am morning meal.

Women of the Church

The Women of the Church meet the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 2:00pm in the Seeker’s Classroom. The Spring Luncheon will be at Savannah’s Cafe & Bakery on May 8th at 11:30am.

Christian Helping Hands

Donations of food and money are always welcome and are crucial to preventing hunger in our community